the London Eye

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the London Eye

更新时间:2025-03-11 00:40:42
  • 单语例句
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1. A critical eye is being cast on emaciated female models as the top couturiers launch the fashion season from Milan and London to New York.

2. PANAMA CITY - Reigning Olympic long jump champion Irving Saladino is training for the upcoming London Summer Games with an eye toward silencing his doubters.

3. The experts believed that the wheel could help the island attract tourists just like London Eye and the copycats in many parts of the world.

1. Beijing is already planning a giant ferris wheel, higher than both the London Eye and the Singapore Flyer.

2. Although the forms devised by Deacon were fundamentally abstract in appearance, this metaphorical reference to the body and its methods of gathering information was alluded to in idiomatic titles such as The Eye Has It 1984; London, ACGB; see England, fig.

3. As you go along the river, the London Eye is on your right.

4. As you go along the river, the LOndon Eye is on your right.


5. This is the London eye. We have just learnt about it in our English book.

6. The London Eye is a big, it`s.

7. His dad said it was called the London Eye.

8. Evacuate everyone from nearby and surround the London Eye and protect peoples` safety!

9. Today, when we walk in Rome, Paris, London, Washington, these towering obelisks still attract our eye like totems. They arouse surprise and admiration, which indicates the great value and respect that contemporary people still place on ancient civilizations. This, in turn, causes the bodies and minds of the viewers to rise up, trembling, in front of this powerful art refined over the course of history, ultimately resulting in a sort of domino effect.

10. An Eye on the Sky, Canary Wharf - London, England

11. He and I went up to London. He had the advice of an eminent oculist; and he eventually recovered the sight of that one eye.

12. Of course, we will go to London. You will see the famous TowerBridge, Big Ben and London eye.

13. the London Eye是什么意思

13. THE diameter of a wind turbine capable of generating five megawatts of electricity is, at 120 metres, roughly that of the London Eye.

14. the London Eye

14. We had hoped to go up in the London Eye for that amazing panoramic view of London's cityscape but instead had to settle for standing under it, as it was closed for maintenance.

15. the London Eye

15. Be being returned besides this KML is OK of process designing, KML user made up an absorbing icon on the net, have a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct people have been to London to know, the eye that London has to call London, he is a tremendous and clinking wheel, see the setting of whole London.

16. Her looks were tranquil, but with unusual solemnityof expression, and I now gazed upon her with some awe. Suddenly her countenance grew dim; and, turning to themountains, I perceived vapours rolling between US:in a mo—ment all had vanished; thick darkness came on; and in thetwinkling of an eye 1 was far away from mountains, and bylamp—light in London, walking again with Ann—just as we had walked, when both children, eighteen years before, along the endless terraces of 0xford Street.


17. That is the newly developed eye-catching late-model double-decker bus in London.

18. Were all together on the London Eye!

19. From the plane we had a bird's eye view of London.

20. the London Eye

20. The New York cuts, the London broil and the magnificent rib eye.

  • 临近词
They saw everything from the London Eye.(他们可以从伦敦眼那看到每样东西。)
French architects are planning to build a "water wheel hotel" on the banks of the Seine, which resembles the London Eye but with "room capsules" that would rotate constantly.(法国的设计师们打算在塞纳河边建造一座“水上摩天轮旅馆”,其造型与英国的伦敦眼相肖,不同之处是,前者设有不断旋转的“胶囊套房”。)
Also, check out newer attractions like the London Zoo, Thames River Cruise, the London Eye or taking in a play or musical in London’s famous West End.(同时也有很多其他的旅游景点,如:伦敦动物园,泰晤士河,英航伦敦眼或在伦敦西部看一场歌剧或听一场音乐会。)
And in London, the Houses of Parliament, as well as the London Eye, Canary Wharf, the Gherkin and the BT Tower, switched their lights off.(在伦敦,中心的议会大楼,加纳利码头,电信大楼,也把他们的灯熄灭了。)
Daisy: Oh, Jack! Isn't this fun? Can you believe it? We're all together on the London Eye!(黛西:噢,杰克!这多有趣啊!你能相信吗?我们一起在伦敦眼上了。)
It's the London Eye.(这是伦敦眼。)
Turn left and go to the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben. Opposite you see the London Eye.(向左转,来到国会大厦和大本钟前,你能看到伦敦眼—就在对面。)
We went to the London Eye last week.(我上周去了伦敦眼。)
February 2000: Prince Andrew celebrates his 40th birthday on the London Eye with his ex-wife Sarah, Duchess of York, and daughters Eugenie and beatrice.(2000年2月19日:安德鲁王子与前妻萨拉女公爵及女儿欧也妮公主、比阿特丽丝公主一起在伦敦之眼庆祝他40岁生日。)
The first time, when he was about ten, he went to London with his mother to receive medical treatment for an eye condition.(第一次,他十岁,因为眼部疾病和母亲一起去伦敦接受治疗。)
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